Have You Done Your Annual Career Site Checkup?

It’s a new year and time to assess your career site. Below is our Annual Career Site Checkup list of five things that you can use to assess the success of your efforts.

1. Information

Is the information your candidates need available from every page on your career site?

For example, if you have a benefits page (you should), can it be accessed from the navigation in one click – open the navigation menu and click a Benefits link? Or do you have to go through several links to find it?

make the path to your information easy

If it takes more than one click to find that information, then you should take measures to correct that.

The more clicks it takes to find the information a job seekers is looking for, the more likely that job seeker is to abandon the job search and go elsewhere.

2. Hiring Process

What is your hiring process?

Are your job postings attracting the right candidates? Are they attracting any candidates?

Is your recruitment platform moving candidates to apply? Do your candidates have to jump through hoops to complete an application? Are they able to submit resumes? Are they notified that their application was received?

avoid the candidate black hole

Does the candidate enter a black hole of limbo, never hearing from you once they submit a resume?

Look for any break down in the initial screening call. How long does the initial telephone screening take? How long is the onsite interview? Do you let candidates know where they stand in your hiring process at this time?

3. Job Search Integration

Does your job search integrate seamlessly within your career site or is it a single unbranded ATS page that looks like an afterthought from the rest of your site?

How easy is it to find a job? How many clicks does it take? Do you show job classes where there are no open positions or is a job seeker guaranteed to find a job listing with every selection?

job search is not a geography lesson

Does the autofill provide relevant locations for your jobs or do you use it more as a geography lesson and provide locations around the globe where you don’t do business?

4. Your Story

Does your career site tell the story about your organization? Do you include images and videos throughout that highlights the culture of your facility?

Are the images on your site of real employees or did you find them on a stock photo site? It’s important to use real images of the workplace or graphics that did not come from a stock photo site.

share stories about employee success

Do you share articles about the company’s community service efforts, rewards and accolades, employee success stories?

These are important factors in a job seeker’s decision to work for you.

5. Employee Feedback

What do your existing employees think of your organization? An engaged employee can net you fantastic hires through word of mouth.

It can also determine how long an employee sticks around. Poor engagement, poor retention ratio, larger open requisition pool.

Do you survey employees to get a feel of the sentiment for the organization? Employees share stories at the workplace. If things aren’t going well, it can lead to distrust and disengagement.

advocate employee feedback

Offering them a way to voice their opinion can help you understand where there are breakdowns in engagement so those weak points can be fixed.

Good reviews can be shared and quoted on your career site as part of your story.

Your Annual Career Site Checkup Is Important

If you’re not doing an annual career site checkup every year or have no idea how to start one, these five steps can put you on the right track.

It’s important to understand where you are in the process to know how to improve your recruiting efforts.

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